Foundation Tour

Foundation Tour

tour levels

foundation tour

The Foundation Tour is a 9-hole competitive playing division consisting of players ages 7 – 15  (boys and girls). This Tour is for beginners with basic skill development. Scoring average for Foundation Division players is 60 or less. Players on this tour must be certified for NFJG TOUR StatusFoundation Tour players compete in one day events only. Foundation Tour members may opt to play in 2-day (36-hole) events in appropriate age divisions when approved by the Executive Director.

NFJG PREP TOUR: Before acceptance into the Foundation Tour players must become TOUR certified by an NFJGTOUR instructor, approved by the Executive Director.

  •  Prep Tour classes will be held on scheduled tournament days at the host facility and during scheduled summer camps and clinics.
  •  Prep Tour players will be evaluated to determine TOUR readiness, provided swing, rules of golf, and course management evaluation.
  •  Once juniors are certified they will be moved into the NFJG TOUR Status and eligible for membership registration.

The Foundation Tour will be reserved for those players who have been approved for tournament play and who have a scoring average 60 and below. A player winning more than three times within a in a single series could automatically be moved to a higher level Tour (see CHANGING DIVISIONS).

The NFJG Executive Director reserves the right to reassign a player to another Tour at any time .

On the Foundation Tour caddies are permitted. (refer to player handbook for rules and regulations)

Players will be closely monitored by NFJG staff and officials. Every effort will be made to accommodate serious junior players under the age of seven.
Players under the age of seven may be considered for placement in the Foundation Tour only. It is at the sole discretion of the NFJGF Executive Director.

Contact our junior golf foundation to discuss membership options with our staff.

Tournament Entry: $50 -$55 (per one-day events) after Early Bird Sign-up


This is an 18-hole competitive tour which may contains two sub-age groups, Boys 13-19 and Girls 13-19. Scoring average for this tour is 84 and below for boys and 89 and below for girls.


This is an 18-hole competitive tour which contains two sub-age groups, Boys 13-19, and Girls 13-19. Scoring average for this tour is 85-110 for boys and 90-120 for girls.


THE MAJORS - This is a 36-hole competition open to all tour players and guests when space is available. Divisions on this tour will be Boys 13-19, and Girls 13-19.