

policy and rules

tour policies

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

Local Rules and Terms of the Competition

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The current Rules of the United States Golf Association and The R&A govern play, Code of Conduct, Policies for additional Local Rules and Conditions. Complete text of Rules may be found in the current “Rules of Golf” and “Committee Procedures.”

  • Disregard Local Rules printed on club scorecards or posted at the course


Effective September 5, 2024

 Local Rules and Terms of the Competition

The current Rules of the United States Golf Association and The R&A govern play, Code of Conduct, Policies for additional Local Rules and Conditions. Complete text of Rules may be found in the current “Rules of Golf” and “Committee Procedures.”   Effective January 2023.  

Disregard Local Rules printed on club scorecards or posted at the course

Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is the general penalty.

Local Rules

Out of Bounds: 

  1. Defined by course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes, lines and perimeter fence posts.
  2. When a paved road or curb defines out of bounds, a ball that is on or beyond the road or curb is out of bounds even though it may lie on another part of the golf course.
  3. Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds: The alternative for Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball out of bounds is used for all “Tournament Series” events (all one-day events). Model Local Rule E-5.

Penalty Areas: 

  1. When a penalty area is bounded by out of bounds, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the out of bounds line.
  2. When a penalty area coincides with the out of bounds line the Local Rule B-2.2 is in effect allowing an additional relief option on the opposite side of a red penalty area equidistant to the reference point.


  1. White lined areas of ground under repair tying into immovable obstructions are treated as a single obstruction.
  2. When the outside edge (non-golf course side) of a road or path defines the edge of a penalty area or out of bounds, the road or path is an immovable obstruction.

Ground Under Repair:  Defined by white lines.  Other areas of ground under repair, even when not marked, include:

  1. French drains (trenches filled with stones or the like)
  2. Large or hard ant hills on the course 

 Drop Area: Drop area on every course played will be the most forward tee box on all par-3s. There will be no drop areas on Par-4’s or Par-5’s.

 Animal Near Ball:  Model Local Rule E-13 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.

Edging Grooves Near Putting Greens:  Model Local Rule F-19 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Relief is available only for lie of ball or area of intended swing.

Wood Chips and Mulch: Wood chips and mulch are loose impediments.

Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green:  Model Local Rule F-5.2 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Relief is available only when both the ball and the obstruction lie in a closely mown area in the general area.

Integral Objects:

  1. Cables, rods, wires and wrappings when closely attached to trees.
  2. Artificial walls and pilings when located in penalty areas or in or adjacent to bunkers, and bunker liners.
    An exposed bunker liner may be treated as ground under repair, but interference does not exist if the liner interferes only with the player’s stance.

Seams of Cut Turf – Model Local Rule F-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Relief is available only for lie of ball or area of intended swing.

 Loose Impediments: Wood chips and mulch are loose impediments.

List of Conforming Driver Heads and Golf Balls:  Optional restrictions under Section 8 of the Committee Procedures are in effect. Model Local Rules G-1 and G-3.

Broken or Significantly Damaged Club:  Local Rule as prescribed in the Clarifications to the 2023 Rules of Golf is in effect. Model Local Rule G-9.

 Transportation:  When players are required to walk, a player who will play, or has played under stroke and distance is authorized to ride on motorized transportation.

 Pace of Play – Allotted Time:

  • Standard Time par is 4 hours and 30 minutes.
  • 13 minutes for a par 3, 15 minutes for a par 4 and 17 minutes for a par 5.
  • Time for ball searches, rulings and walking between Holes is included in the allotted time.

Checkpoints are to be completed in the following amount of Time.

  • Hole #’s:          4/13   9/18     13/4   18/9
  • Time allotted:  1:00   2:15     3:15   4:30


A Group’s Time begins when its first player is announced off their starting tee.   Check-Point Times are measured when the flagstick is replaced in the Hole after all players in the Group have holed out.

Stopping and Resuming PlayOptional condition as prescribed in Model Local Rule J-1 is in effect. All practice areas are closed during suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open. Failure to comply may result in revocation of entry.

  • Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged signal note.
  • Discontinue Play: Three consecutive short signal notes, repeated. Players may finish an active hole but may not advance to the next hole.
  • Resume Play: Two short signal notes, repeated.

 Course Maintenance Requirements:

Filling Divots – All players MUST have some form of bottle/bag that can hold divot mix with them throughout their round. They will not be able to tee off without one. Players will be given a warning if they do not fill in divots. Thereafter players will incur a one-stroke penalty, then two stroke penalty and then disqualification.

 Terms of the Competition

  • Close of Competition: The competition is final when the winner has been announced, or, in the absence of a prize ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee. 

Final instruction:  The Starter, prior to the start of play will announce any additional rules or changes to this policy.



The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.REGISTRATION DEADLINES

All events have an open and close date for registering and there is a penalty for withdrawing from an event. A $15.00-$25.00 processing fee will be assessed. This is strictly enforced.

Late Entry Fee: Late entry to any event is based on a space available basis. A $25.00 late entry fee will be assessed to any entry after an initial registration deadline and is not refundable, but may be transferred to another event. This will be strictly enforced. All no-shows are non-refundable. New Registered Members registering after a deadline date wishing to play in an event already closed will not be assessed a late entry fee.

Registration is done at www.nfjg.org.

Withdrawing from an Event:

If a player needs to withdraw from an event they must notify the Executive Director or Tournament Operations Manager. Failure to do so will result in loss of entry fee and may result in TOUR suspension.

Cancellation Policy :

Seventy-two (72) hour cancellation policy is in effect. For event cancellations, Players must contact the NFJG Executive Director by phone (904) 868-9535 or Tournament Operations Manager (904) 424-3869. If unable to make phone contact Players must send an email to the jackaschenbach@pga.com or Jodyclark11@outlook.com . After 72 hours a full entry fee will be strictly enforced. Emergency cancellations will be considered on a case by case basis when submitted in writing and if granted will be minus processing fees.

No Show Policy:

Players who have registered for an event and do not show up at the event without having given prior notification to the Executive Director or Tournament Coordinator will be considered a “No Show”. If you are listed on the tee sheet as a no show you are subject to suspension for the following event. You must request to be reinstated in writing.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


All payments are received and refunded through www.nfjg.org – processing fees apply.

Practice Rounds & Driving Range:

Arrangements have not been made for practice rounds (unless stipulated) at any of the tournament sites. Many of our course are private courses and practice rounds are not available. However, some of the courses are open to the public; therefore you may arrange a practice round. You may mention that you are a member of the NFJG Tour and some courses may arrange for you to play at a discount. Do not expect a discount or ask for a discount – it is not proper etiquette. Range privileges are for the tournament day only.

Tee Times:

Tee Times will be emailed to all players and or posted on the web site at www.nfjg.org prior to each event. Normally 72 hours prior to the event. Players who do not have access to the internet may contact the Executive Director at (904) 868-9535 or the host club for tee time information two days prior to the event. The host courses do not prepare and cannot change tee times; therefore, please do not make a request to them.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


Each player is required to check-in at the registration table at each event. Players are to check-in prior to going to the practice areas each day of an event. Parents or caddies may not check in for players.


Unless otherwise permitted by the Committee, players shall not use caddies during a stipulated round. Penalty for Breach of Condition: Disqualification. Range finders are allowed in all NFJG events, but only those which determine distance. Slope and elevation may not be determined via Range Finders.


Players are permitted to use a pull cart during a stipulated round. NFJG TOUR is not responsible for providing such pull cart. ** NOTE: SOME GOLF COURSES DO NOT PERMIT THE USE OF PULL CARTS.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


As a member of the NFJG TOUR you will have the privilege of visiting fine golf clubs in the North Florida area and tour members, their parents and spectators are expected to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen.


The Board of Directors and the Executive Director reserve the right to deny or revoke the right of any individual to participate, if in its sole discretion, NFJG determines that the applicant’s or participant’s presence would impact adversely upon or be detrimental to the image of the Tour in any way, which is to include not only behavior but also score.


Entries are subject to withdrawal at any time (including during the event) by the NFJG Executive Director. The reason for withdraw may include improper attire and/or unbecoming conduct. Any person whose entry is accepted shall be subject to the rules and conditions of play set forth by the NFJG TOUR.


Unsportsmanlike conduct includes abusive language (profanity), club throwing, disrespect to volunteers, disrespect to officials or fellow competitors, abuse of the course or facilities, or the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products. Cell phones and IPODS are prohibited on the course except for rules situations and emergencies.


The game of golf relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and behave in a disciplined manner, irrespective of how competitive they may be that day.

The NFJG TOUR Tournament Committee, based on severity and frequency of the violation(s), may:

  • Warn the player, or
  • Penalize the player two strokes, or
  • Disqualify the player from the tournament at which the violation occurs, or
  • Depending on the severity of the violation, a tournament disqualification may also result in disqualification from the next tournament(s) for which a player has been accepted.

The NFJGF Executive Director reserves the right to suspend or revoke a player’s membership or entries for a serious breach of the NFJG TOUR Code of Conduct.

A player’s disregard of others is not limited to the current round but may include repeated offenses from tournament to tournament.

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Club tossing or throwing
  • Words or phrases (profanity) that may be disrespectful to others
  • Kicking or throwing their bag
  • Poor etiquette
  • Any unnecessary/intentional damage to the golf course or property


All attire must also meet club guidelines; when in doubt, dress traditionally. In addition to this policy:

  • Hats/visors must be worn with brim forward; males must remove hat/visor while indoors at host facility.
  • Golf shirts must be worn and tucked in at all times.
  • Men’s collarless shirts are acceptable when designed for golf.
  • Men’s shorts must not hang past the knee.
  • Women’s fashion shirts without a collar are acceptable but should have sleeves.   Sleeveless shirts are permitted
  • Women’s shorts must be no more than 5” above the knee or the inseam of the shorts must measure at least 5”.


  • Tank tops, T-shirts
  • Denim shorts, short-shorts, cut-off shorts, gym shorts, jeans
  • Camouflage designed attire, including hats
  • Earrings (males) / Body Piercing (other than earrings for females)

Proper attire is required at all times at the host facility, including players meetings and cookouts. Questionable attire will be reviewed by the NFJG TOUR Tournament Committee. Should a host facility have a stricter dress code, its policy will take precedence. Players in violation will not be allowed to tee off.


Any appeal must be made in writing and must be made within two weeks of the occurrence. Send appeals to:

NFJG Board of Directors
2014 Lady Di Lane, Jacksonville, Florida 32246


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.



Optional Condition as prescribed in Appendix I is in effect. When play has been suspended for a dangerous situation, all practice areas are closed until the committee has declared them open for use. If a player sees lightning or believes they are in danger, he or she may discontinue play and seek shelter.


Suspension for a dangerous situation:

  • One prolonged siren or horn note.
  • Two air horn notes – Resumption of play.
  • Three consecutive air horn notes – Players may finish the hole playing but must stop upon completion.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


Up to Four Check-Points can/will be used. The check-points will be listed on the rules sheet. All players in a Group are subject to penalty, but specific players may be addressed individually.   During our events players may receive warnings. Each group is responsible for monitoring their own pace.

Allotted Time:

  • Standard Time par is 4 hours and 30 minutes.
  • 13 minutes for a par 3, 15 minutes for a par 4 and 17 minutes for a par 5.
  • Time for ball searches, rulings and walking between Holes is included in the allotted time.

Check-Points are to be completed in the following amount of Time.

  • Hole #’s                 4/13   9/18     13/4   18/9
  • Time allotted   1:00   2:15     3:15   4:30


A Group’s Time begins when its first player is announced off their starting tee.   Check-Point Times are measured when the flagstick is replaced in the Hole after all players in the Group have holed out.


  • First Group: At any time they exceed the allotted time to play.
  • Following Groups: At any time they exceed the allotted time to play and are more than 14 minutes behind the Group ahead.

Notification: A group in breach of the pace will be verbally notified by an official.


  • 1st Potential breach – Warning
  • 2nd Potential breach – One-stroke penalty
  • 3rd Potential breach – Two-stroke penalty
  • 4th Potential breach – Disqualification

Penalties are added to the Check-Point Hole where the breach occurred.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


Foundation (9 hole) Division is the only division allowed caddies unless otherwise authorized by the Tournament Operation Manager or Executive Director.

The Executive Director has the authority to eliminate or modify caddie policy at any time.

In golf, a caddie (or caddy) is the person who carries a player’s bag and gives insightful advice and moral support.

Anyone wishing to caddy for a member of the FOUNDATION TOUR must:

  • Be a family member, 18 years of age or older or a non-family member adult, 18 years of age or older approved by the players Parents and Tournament Coordinator.
  • Confirm they have read this policy and will conform to its contents.
  • Acknowledge that they have a good understanding of golf and the basic rules of golf.
  • Approved caddies must wear a NFJG TOUR Caddie Bib at all times while on duty. (Picked up at registration and returned to scoreboard)



  • Caddies are permitted to use motorized vehicles, but are encouraged to walk. Fees will vary from club to club and are not included in player’s entry fees.
  • Caddies are allowed to transport players clubs and equipment.
  • Players are not permitted to ride at any time. EXCEPTION: WHERE ALL PLAYERS ARE BEING SHUTTLED DURING EVENT. Penalty: 1st offence: 2 shots to competitor. 2nd offence: 2 shots to competitor and caddie will leave course and/or lose privileges for remainder of season.
  • Caddies are not permitted to consume alcoholic beverages or smoke while caddying.
  • Caddies will be allowed to search for player’s balls along with any other players in the group.
  • Caddies will be allowed to clean player’s golf ball and offer advice. (Pace of play strictly enforced)
  • In the instance where caddie is not adhering to pre-determined standards. 1st offence: 2 shots to player. 2nd offence: 2 shots to competitor (max 4) and caddie will leave and/or lose privileges for remainder of season.
  • A NFJG TOUR staff/rules official will be assigned to the Foundation Division at each event. This Staff person will be in charge of all caddie decisions during the course of play.


Note: The Executive Director reserves the right to utilize the caddie program during any schedule event for any or all tour divisions.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


All spectators are to adhere to the following guidelines:

Spectators are asked to:

  • View play from cart path or rough areas only, no closer than 30 yards. It is recommended that spectators walk 30 yards in front the players at all times. In order to maintain consistency, we ask that all spectators view play from the “rough” only. Spectators need to “stay up” with the group they are watching. Lagging behind slows play for the entire field.
  • Please be courteous to all players and encourage all players with applause and compliments.
  • Make sure that you are never standing directly behind or in front of any player preparing to hit.
  • Keep small children under control.

Spectators are not permitted to:

  • Walk down fairway or go onto any green.
  • Talk to or advise players during play as this is a rules violation in accordance with the USGA Rule Book (seeking advice). A player may be assessed a 2 stroke penalty for each violation of this rule, with a maximum penalty of 4 strokes and/or disqualification.
  • Make rulings: Spectators are not officials and should not make rulings on the golf course. Speaking to players or transportation of players is prohibited (unless previously arranged prior to the start of the event) and could lead to penalties to the competitors.
  • Be conscientious when talking with others when players may be preparing to hit.

Please remember that part of the player’s experience with NFJG is a learning experience. Therefore, spectators are not allowed to interfere with the assessment of penalties and/or score keeping. If a spectator or competitor has a score or ruling question they should ask for assistance from a tournament official or if a tournament official is not present used the “second ball rule”

Cell Phones:

Cell phones are not appropriate on the golf course (except for rules situations and emergencies). Please set your phone to silent. If you must make a call please leave the course. Please keep in mind that some courses do not permit the use of cell phones.


All spectators should be appropriately dressed. Please refer to the Code of Conduct; Attire section of the Member Handbook. Please act appropriately and be appreciative of the staff and host facility.

Spectator carts may be permitted – please check with the registration at each event.


The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, including local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event prior to commencing play.


If time permits, all ties for 1st place will be played off. In the event of ties and time does not permit for a playoff, USGA Scorecard guidelines will be used.   NFJG uses the last nine total, last six-hole total, last three-hole total, 18th and finally the coin toss to break ties. Holes 10-18 will be used to break ties regardless of which side a player starts on. For two day events the final round 10-18 scores will be used to determine ties. Ties for first place will determine first or second place. 

If multiple players (3 or more players), play-off tie breakers will be used to determine 1st place all other places will be determined by a scorecard play-off.  Any other ties will split. 

Tie breakers will determine who will receive an award at the end of the event. Single day events 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Junior Players Tour events 1st and 2nd plus overall if divisions are combined.

Course Maintenance Requirements:

Filling Divots – All players MUST have some form of bottle/bag that can hold divot mix with them throughout their round. They will not be able to tee off without one. Players will be given a warning if they do not fill in divots. Thereafter players will incur a one-stroke penalty, then two stroke penalty and then disqualification.